Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew: Plant DNA Bank database

DNA and Tissue Collection Query Form

Fill in at least one of the following fields.

Please enter a search value

Search Help

You can search for DNA accessions using any of the five search fields above, alone or in combination. Searches are inclusive, so if for example you select a Genus and a Country you will only get results for that Genus in that Country

The easiest way to use the Family and Genus fields is to start typing in the name of the Family or Genus you are looking for and let the auto-complete facility offer a list of matching names. Select the name you want and press Find DNA.

You can narrow your search down to a specific Species by starting to type in the Species name in the Genus field after the Genus name, separated by a space. The auto-complete will again offer a list of matching Species for that Genus. To view all Species for a given Genus simply press the spacebar after selecting the required Genus name from the suggestion list.

In addition, wildcards using '*' are accepted, but must be preceded by at least 3 characters. For example 'rho*' is accepted, but 'r*' will not be. This enables the retrieval of result sets containing multiple Families, Genera or Collector.

Search results are limited to 1000 samples. If your search yields more results than this but you are unable to find the sample you are looking for in the 1000 returned, please try refining your search criteria further. If you are still unable to locate the sample and are therefore unable to add it to your order, please contact us at with details of the sample you are trying to find.